And So It Begins

Last night, writing to a friend on the subject of Trump’s most unfortunate first weekend in office, I said the following:

What we know about malignant narcissists is that they psychologically decompensate once they achieve the ultimate position of power. They worsen in every possible way: become more grandiose and paranoid, more aggressive and demanding, and progressively less in touch with reality (and Trump has never been fully in touch with it).

We can expect his narcissistic rage to intensify in proportion to his increasing grandiosity and paranoia. 

His handlers will have to resort to increasingly more “creative” ways to placate and subdue him — and it will work, for a while, until it doesn’t.

There’ll be blood, symbolic, if not literal, as he’ll fire and destroy his previously “trusted” associates, maybe even in rapid succession and without any rhyme or reason. 

His demands for adulation will also become increasingly intense and bizarre, and we’ll be witnessing idiotic and quite possibly dangerous displays of his “superiority” and might, likely military as well. This is where the possibility of him starting a war or two just to satisfy his ego becomes quite real.

It’s not only that he will never get better, but it is certain that he will get worse.

There has never been a case of a malignant narcissist in power whose pathology improved, or even remained stable: they always deteriorate, and often rapidly, as they become drunk on (what they see as) now unlimited power and adulation.

Almost immediately after I sent it, this news item popped up on my computer screen:

Trump declares his Inauguration ‘National Day of Patriotic Devotion’ in proclamation littered with religious buzzwords

The Proclamation 9570, as it is called, is a thing of disordered beauty — and it is highly significant as it marks the official beginning of the kleptofascist regime in the U.S.

This, rather than Trump’s inauguration, which was revealing enough (though it’s too bad he was not allowed to have tanks and missile launchers at his parade, as he desired), is an unmistakable sign — for anyone who still may have harbored some doubts — that we have arrived at our homegrown autocracy of the kind we have not seen, in America, yet.

Whoever wrote that proclamation designed to soothe Agent Orange’s ego gravely injured by the crowds that were too small at his inauguration and too large at his protests — since without a doubt this is its main purpose — must have been as bereft of any sense of irony as the man himself. Or maybe s/he is a stealthily ironic prankster?

That’s because nothing illustrates this famous quote attributed to Sinclair Lewis,

When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.

like that miserable piece of psychopathically narcissistic — but also dangerous –nonsense.

The glaring pathology of it, devoid of higher values but — so completely that it seems cartoonish — co-opting empty and deceitful sloganeering about “Constitution,” of which this man knows nothing and cares even less about, and “patriotism” and “freedom,” just like that of Trump’s “American carnage” inauguration speech, begs for psychoanalysis, but that’s for another time.

I will only briefly remark on one related matter here.

Some observers note the significance of Trump bombastically using “The People” in his inauguration speech as a portent of fascism. They are correct in this observation, but late in making it.

Signs of Trump’s pathological and disingenuous identification with “The People,” an inevitable development in every tyrant’s journey to power, were on full display in the summer, when he also began using the word “movement” to describe the narcissistic collusion between himself and his followers. We can be certain that it was not his idea, but his handlers’; however he glommed onto it, as every tyrant does, to prettify and further justify his push for power and adulation. The signs were already there, early on, it’s just that most did not pay attention.

Back to Proclamation 9570, which, like most of other laws Trump has signed this week (and it’s only Tuesday), is a direct response to the narcissistic injury he suffered over the weekend when he had to endure images of his “comically small” inauguration crowds. In the past, he handled such humiliations through personal responses to specific people. Those included jaw-dropping letters of derision and scorn, or petty and ridiculous, but crippling for the other side, lawsuits; now, however, he can use the office of presidency to enact his revenge on a large scale and thus make it so much more satisfying — and dangerous to all.

Anyone who knows anything about malignant narcissists in power could easily imagine how enraged Trump must have been over the weekend. Heck, we did not have to strain: his lapdog Spicer’s behavior during his Saturday “press conference” gave us more than a decent clue. But now we have White House reports confirming it.

We know that a humiliated narcissist must release his narcissistic rage somehow, best on those who caused his psychic injury; and if that’s impossible, on the nearest and usually weakest available object (preferably a living one, so he could enjoy watching the suffering).

We don’t know exactly what went on in Trump’s private quarters during that stormy time over the weekend, but we know that, A. he was conspicuously restrained on Twitter (which suggests a strong outside intervention), and, B. he started the week with a slew of executive orders aimed at the issues dear to his protesters.

In addition to the self-serving eruption of “patriotism” in his Proclamation Flag ‘n Cross, he also signed a global gag order, which will have catastrophic consequences for millions of women around the world; ordered construction of the Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines; and prohibited scientists, including data collectors who have assembled photos from D.C. during his inauguration, from sharing their work with the public.

How’s that for a payback?

One of my favorite signs during the weekend march was this:

I shudder to think what executive order Trump would come up with in response to it.

We can expect this Trumpian trend — of enshrining his vengeful reactions to the slightest narcissistic injury of shame and humiliation into his presidential decrees — to continue and worsen. This is one hallmark of tyrannical rule by narcissistic psychopaths. There is no bottom to their vengefulness, since, as you may recall, “[n]arcissistic rage is one of the darkest and deadliest forces known to mankind.”

If you have any doubts about it, notice that Trump’s compulsive twitterin’ has subsided — and that’s not because he’s “pivoted” toward reason and self-control, but because now he has replaced it by executive order signing, which, as far as instruments of narcissistic rage go, is much more effective and satisfying. It can punish the offending millions with fewer than 140 strokes of a pen — and you can turn it into a self-aggrandizing photo op at that. It also counts as good ol’ fashioned governing, of the kind that everyone expects of presidents. Win-win.

And these are just his first few days in office.

If tasked with creating an autocratic villain and plausible scenarios of his rise to power, most fiction writers would scoff at Trump and his story, because it would seem such an over-the-top caricature, offensive to their intelligence and artistic sensibilities. Yet once again life proves to be more pedestrian than fiction.

But from the point of view of psychopathology, and especially its intersection with politics, Trump/ism is both predictable and instructive, and also spectacular at the same time, as it provides such a clear confirmation of everything we know to be true about character defective tyrants and the formation of their regimes. From the point of view of human beings who find themselves oppressed by the tyrants and those regimes, however, the spectacularness of it wanes dramatically.

For some (not all) lessons on how to cope what’s in store for us we should look to authoritarian regimes of the past and present: yes, Nazi Germany (sorry all ye Trump’s-not-Hitler! folks out there), the USSR and its Eastern Bloc satellites, North Korea, Cambodia under Pol Pot, Iraq under Saddam, Uganda under Idi Amin, and others like them.

Frederick Burkle’s Antisocial Personality Disorder and Pathological Narcissism in Prolonged Conflicts and Wars of the 21st Century, which talks about these characterologically defective leaders — and which, not at all coincidentally, was the most viewed paper on ResearchGate in 2016 — has a handy list of them if one needs more examples. Now we have our own, here, in America.

The major overarching lessons are (starting with good news) 1. that these leaders and their regimes always fall — always, without exception; but, 2. unfortunately, they cause grave and lasting damage, and traumas that take generations to heal, if they heal at all.

Our yearning for higher values  — truth, freedom, justice, dignity, and love — is irrepressible. When we live in relative peace and comfort, we become complacent and forget that these values are not a given, but must be discovered and created by each of us anew, and often must be fought for.

Karol Wojtyla, later known as John Paul II, wrote in The Place Within that,

Freedom has continually to be won, it cannot merely be possessed. It comes as a gift but it can only be kept with a struggle. Gift and struggle are written into pages, hidden yet open.

People start to remember this truth when their cherished values are threatened. As soon as the tyrant du jour plants his boot on his subjects’ necks, they begin to rebel and eventually rise up against him and his unjust rule. This is a given. It is just a matter of time until the human spirit prevails, even though it may take a very long time indeed.

The Soviet empire lasted  three quarters of the century and almost nobody within or outside of it believed that it could ever fall. But it did, taking its tinpot tyrants with it, as it always happens, in a large measure as a result of the devastation they create: there comes a time where there is nothing else to plunder and no one else to kill to one’s satisfaction, so the tyrants’ avaricious glory has nothing left to feed on. Of course new tyrants, and some say worse than the old ones, often take the reign next. And so the bloody wheel turns, churning out new misery and its victims; but the process, the struggle hidden yet open, in essence always the same, accelerates with every turn, yielding hopeful surprises.

The response to Trump’s enthronement was as swift as it was overwhelming. Close to 3 million women (and men) world-wide marched against him and his pathological rule the day after his inauguration.

No less remarkable — and yet not at all, as an avalanche often begins with one pebble — is the fact that this mass protest started with one woman, Rebecca Shook, a retired lawyer from Hawaii.

This is “unpresidented,” as Twitler himself would sputter, if his handlers allowed him to do so on that fateful day. (He did issue one sarcastic response, and then someone else — my guess is Tom “Soft Sensuality” Barrack — wrote his second, civil tweet for public consumption.) Yes, he has had the last word in that skirmish, as of now — but the battle has just begun.

Eve Ensler in her manifesto reminds us that,

We are marching to turn our fear and sorrow and shame to power and imagination. We are marching for another paradigm where the lack of ethics, morality, and truth that have brought us to this moment are transformed – into principles which will drive a powerful intersectional, spiritual movement of movements.

To be effective, the anti-Trump/ism movement must be widely inclusive and based on solidarity of all people of conscience from all walks of life. It is no accident that “Solidarity,” if you recall, was the name of the first free workers’ union in Poland which toppled communism in Eastern Europe.

What most people in the West do not know, however, is that the real engine — political, moral, and spiritual — of that movement were women. Most people associate “Solidarity” with Nobel-winning Lech Walesa, who was more or less an opportunistic narcissist searching for and stealing spotlight from the people doing the real work behind the scenes. The chief figure among those was Anna Walentynowicz, who became known as the “Mother of Solidarity.”

In the summer of 1980, five months before her retirement from a job as a crane operator in a Gdansk shipyard, Walentynowicz was fired for her participation in an illegal workers’ union. This decision led to a workers’ strike in the shipyard, which then spurred a cascade of developments eventually ending communism in Europe — remember, an unthinkable feat for almost a century.

What’s of special importance is that after the striking workers’ initial demands were met and Walentynowicz was reinstated to her position, Walesa and other men decided that this was enough — there was no more need to protest. But the women of the shipyard, including Walentynowicz, and the male workers’ wives at home, disagreed.

As Wiki says,

Walentynowicz and [another woman worker, Alina] Pienkowska managed to close the gates of the shipyard and keep some workers inside, but many workers went home, only to return by the next day. Wałęsa was stopped near the Gate no° 1 as he was leaving, and was persuaded to change his plans and return to the shipyard.

Walesa was persuaded to return by Pienkowska and Walentynowicz, and the male workers who went home were implored by their wives to go back to the shipyard the next day to continue the strike.

Women, eh?  They do change history.

Late Anna Walentynowicz is one of the people worth knowing. A humble person doing the right thing, she is a moral exemplar, of the kind that we very much need in the world. Not surprisingly, the story of her heroic life was one of nearly constant battles against networks of psychopaths and narcissists in power which included Lech Walesa, under communism as well as — and disappointingly so — after its fall. That story was defined by her tireless struggle for truth and justice, and was marked by several stints in prison as well as attempts at her life, among many other adverse events.

Here is a quote from Walentynowicz, which seems so right for these and any times, and a good end of my post:

Our aim should not be to secure a somewhat thicker slice of bread today, even if this would make us happy; we must not forget what our real aim is. Our main duty is to consider the needs of others. If we become alive to this duty, there will be no unjustly treated people in our midst, and we, in turn, shall not be treated unjustly. Our day-to-day motto should be: “Your problems are also my problems.” We must extend our friendship and strengthen our solidarity.

48 thoughts on “And So It Begins

  1. Reactions to Trump are weird. Some people say, he won’t be that bad/can’t do what he wants. They are probably, white, employed, religious, male or handmaidens, ie little mirror Trumpitos.

    I read an exchange on facefuck about the abortion order. I’m not sure what I found the most repugnant: endless men spouting religious twaddle telling women what to do with their bodies, men and women saying just carry to full term and let someone adopt (as if pregnancy is like a five-minute walk to the shops), the richest country in the world denying aid to the poorest women in the world, people in said richest country saying America shouldn’t be funding other countries anyway, and that Trump considers defunding abortion counselling as a greater priority than America’s domestic problems … etc


    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, reading such “discussions” can be dispiriting. The manospherian / fundie types are pathological and yes, mirrors of Trump in ways that matter most, so that’s no surprise.

      What does surprise (me, at least) is the incomprehension of how dangerous the man is from people who do not support him.

      Luckily, those who do comprehend and can do something to prevent Trump from unleashing a nuclear holocaust on Earth, are taking (limited so far) steps to do so:

      Lawmakers Introduce Bill Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Another superb piece. You know, I hated Bush, but I didn’t think about him almost every minute and wretch like I do with the Great Orange Baby. tRump is a vile, despicable glob of ooze that’s infected the world. I’m encouraged greatly by the displays against him, however. Let’s just hope we all live long enough to continue them.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “A new national pride stirs the American soul and inspires the American heart. We are one people, united by a common destiny and a shared purpose.” I have never read anything like that. “New”- since the Saviour came, obviously-

    I am proud of, say, “For as long as a hundred of us remain alive we shall never consent to submit to the rule of the English”. It makes me feel good when I think of it. It is part of my history. But- this? What?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Right? Gaah.

      This is horrendous. Straight from the Nazi/commie propaganda leaflets.

      I was brought on up on this crap, and it still makes me gag.

      Not in the least because it is so profoundly and blatantly dishonest — Trump does not understand the meaning of any of the words used there.

      This was written by Bannon or Kushner, I suspect — with my personal bet being on Bannon or some associate of his. It has that unmistakable stomp of a fascistic boot on it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • No, Steve Bannon of Breitbart. He is the Ideologist of Trumpism, responsible for the jaw-dropping contents of the propaganda meant to usher our New Upside Down World where they talk about “freedom” as they curb our rights; about “solidarity,” as they divide and pit us against each other; about “patriotism” as they sell the country to Russia or a higher bidder.

        Somewhere in The Great Beyond, Orwell is laughing his… head off.


  4. I’m getting more and more to the point that I dread reading the day’s headlines to learn the latest asinine and egocentric (and scary) actions he’s decided to focus on. Today I see he’s riveted on those “illegal” voters that cost him (gasp!) the popular vote. SMH

    BTW, another superb narrative!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Nan. If he is not impeached soon, we are facing “unpresidented” times of the kind Americans know only (or should, if they were properly educated — and they are not, by design) from history books.

      Actually, maybe even history books are inadequate, since we now possess the means of mass destruction not available in the past, and we are nearing environmental and related social crises unseen in recorded human history.

      Who best to preside over such trying times as a conscience-free, cognitively impaired malignant narcissist (forgive the redundancy)?


  5. Another insightful article, Emma. You wrote: “The signs were already there, early on, it’s just that most did not pay attention.”

    Yes, they were, and it was nearly unanimous among mental health professions (who publicly voiced their analysis) that Trump exhibited symptoms of NPD. But they were, unfortunately, urged by the American Psychiatric Association to stop, saying it was unethical and irresponsible.The rule prohibits psychiatrists from giving opinions on public figures’ potential mental illnesses.
    If this last election has shown us anything, it is that the only qualification to be the POTUS is the ability to bamboozle the people. Why a thorough neuropsychological evaluation is not mandatory just boggles my mind. How sad is it that such an important evaluation will not be considered or implemented for this highest leadership position until utter devastation comes upon us.

    I watched an excellent program last night on the Public Broadcasting System (Which Trump plans to defund), about Rachel Carson. She was an American marine biologist and conservationist whose last book, Silent Spring, and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement. I wasn’t aware that it was because of her that we have the EPA, and our government started regulating poisonous/toxic chemicals such as pesticides. She was the one who made the public aware that DDT was dangerous to the planet, wildlife and humans. For example, the United States ban on DDT was a major factor in the comeback of the bald eagle.

    She experienced a lot of opposition from chemical corporations, and these corporations implemented smear campaigns against her. Carson also accused, rightfully so, the chemical industry of intentionally spreading disinformation and public officials of accepting industry claims uncritically.(Sound familiar?) Courageously, Carson asked the hard questions, urging the public to question authority.

    It seems that the accomplishments, from all her blood, sweat and tears, will be destroyed if Trump and his billionaire thugs get their way. I am absolutely stunned that a gag order has been initiated on EPA scientists. The Koch brothers must be beside themselves.

    Great post!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Why a thorough neuropsychological evaluation is not mandatory …

      Even if were in the particular case we’re dealing with, the American people would never be aware of it because Herr Trump refuses to release his medical records. I find it mind-boggling that so many have so little concern regarding these records as well as his tax records. They both reveal so much about an individual … which, I’m sure, is why they will never see the light of day.

      Liked by 3 people

      • In that PBS program I mentioned, the scientists who were working for these chemical companies believed they were doing “God’s work”. Herein lies the problem. People who have been indoctrinated to believe that Trump has been put there by their god, cannot be reasoned with. They also believe that division (us and them) is god ordained. The program that followed the Rachel Carson story was about Trump, how and why he was elected. It was primarily due to the fact that the people who resonated with his message were those who mistook his narcissistic personality as a positive thing — a sign of a great leader. We are not a well country. 😦

        Liked by 4 people

      • He’s threatening to send the “Feds” into Chicago to clear up the problem with gun violence. Of course, he’s not proposing to do anything about the gun problem. If he does this, it’ll be warfare in the streets here. Everything about this man is ugly. Everything.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Every day that passes, he signs a new “Executive Order.” I can’t help but wonder what he’s going to do when he has to start working with the legislative branch and talking with the people that actually run the government instead of siting behind a desk with a pen and paper (along with cameras clicking, of course).

        One of the TV pundits commented recently that he’s shown his ability to lead but he doesn’t have a clue on how to govern. How very true.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I agree, he has no ability to lead.

        I continue to be shocked by the gullibility of people who still do not see what this man is — and it’s not his followers, but his critics who are so woefully blind.

        It is that narcissistic blindness I’ve kept on keeping on, and likely will so in the foreseeable future.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The interview he gave yesterday was as sickening as it was frightening. If people can not see the blatant mental illness spilling out of every pore in this buffoon’s body, they’re idiots. I didn’t watch the interview as the sight of the man makes me wretch, but I read a transcript this morning. This is a very, very sick individual, and he’s just as dangerous as he is ill.

        Liked by 1 person

      • P.S. I’ll just add, being the pedant for these things that I am, that it is not mental illness but a character defect.

        I know this is confusing, even to professionals, much more so to the public, but the difference between mental illness (e.g., psychosis, depression) and character defects (e.g., psychopathy, narcissism) is roughly like that between pneumonia and, say, a missing leg (missing as a result of a congenital defect). It is an imperfect analogy, I admit, with some qualifiers to untangle, but it shows, among other things, that pneumonia, like mental illness, comes and goes and is treatable, while we cannot “treat” (or regrow, so far) a missing limb. Same with human conscience, which is the main missing part in those character defects.

        Hope this makes sense.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It absolutely does. I know there was some debate on whether or not to include NPD in the DSM 5 because, in all honesty, what narcissist will EVER see themselves as having a “disorder” or mental illness and seek treatment for it? I’d say none because, like you’ve stated, narcissism is a character defect, one the narcissist will never admit to having. Trump oozes his character defects like orange sludge oozes out of an overfilled septic tank.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the link, Hariod. I agree that the party needs to build an solid infrastructure. It’s a good start.. It took republicans 30+ years to get where they are at today. Why? Because they had spent billions on building a massive infrastructure, and a lot of that money went to conservative think tanks, and neuroscience education. They built TV studios, hire intellectuals, set aside money to buy a lot of books to get them on the best-seller lists, hired research assistants for their intellectuals so they do well on TV, and hired agents to put them on TV. Conservatives know how to use language.

        JDs are on the right track. However, as George Lakoff states, progressives and liberals won’t win until they learn how to frame the debate.

        I’ve been working on a post regarding this, but it’s taking me a while to get my ducks in a row. I want to highlight what we are up against — not only what I’ve mentioned above, but the “strict father model” and the “moral hierarchy” which is so prevalent among conservatives, and really, for much of American history until very recently.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks for the link, Victoria — I’ll read it shortly, as hopefully I shall too your own thoughts on this mess.

        Justice Democrats is an attempt to bring about change from within — essentially, a takeover of the corporate Democrat Party and turning into a party that doesn’t just talk progressive so as to kid the voters — e.g. Clintons, Obama — but actually is progressive. That’s one way to go. The other way is through disobedience, which Chris Hedges, amongst others, advocates (see link below). The blogosphere seems awash with virtue signalling by left-leaning liberals talking amongst themselves, but I see very few actually doing anything about it. So, I see it as a binary choice, both of which require action — change from within, or disobedience and making them fearful.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Americans pride themselves on their freedom of speech — as they should; lack of freedom of speech and expression was/is among the major human rights violations under communism and in other authoritarian regimes.

        But there is a problem with free speech in capitalism — and it is that anything which is “free” is seen as cheap, worthless, and meaningless.

        So anyone can say whatever they want in America, whether they speak from their comfortable bedroom or the place they have managed to secure for themselves under a bridge — but none of really matters all that much, until it is “monetized.” The Citizens United decision (and what a gloriously Trumpian misnomer) was an apt confirmation of that sad truth.

        It reminds me of this Anatole France’s quote:

        In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.

        That’s freedom under capitalism.

        There are ways, however, in which the non-wealthy can too “monetize” (ugh) their speech and thus make it matter:

        1. by refusing to buy what’s being sold to them, literally: by minimizing, to the extent it is possible, consuming capitalist goods;

        and, more importantly,

        2. by strikes, which are so feared by the powers-that-be that they have been demonized, in every possible way, since the inception of this country.

        The power of strikes is enormous and that’s why it’s so feared by our masters. They can tolerate our marches and Occupy This or That protests, while looking down on them from their penthouses, sipping beverages of choice; but strikes are a different matter.

        Those strikes have to be supported by others, the non-striking public. It is one of the lessons from the “Solidarity” movement, BTW (which American powers-that-be eagerly supported at the time, but would never do so on their own soil, hypocrites that they are).

        Liked by 1 person

      • They do. The civil rights and suffrage movements prove so, as does the long, but kept mostly secret — unlike those other two — history of workers’ rights movement.

        There comes a time when life as is, along with silence and complacency, becomes unbearable, and people rise up. This protest comes in waves, growing stronger with each one, until a critical mass is reached, along with a point of no return. There is hope.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Carson and Spring were mega when I was young (showing my age here), it was one of THE most important envionmental books.

      Going good on gags isn’t he? Environment, abortion counselling for women in developing countries, what next? (Vomit at the thought).

      Liked by 2 people

      • Her books literally changed the way people saw themselves — not above nature, but very much connected to it. Trump is on a rampage right now, and high as a kite due to the attention he’s getting.

        Liked by 1 person

      • SS wasn’t mainstream which was the prob, but it was significant within the circles. But, not enough. (Jumps off enviro pedestal)
        (Jumps onto Trump pedestal)
        He is fucking barking. Sorry Emma. Narcisstic psychopath = fucking barking anyway. One of his first acts? Targeting deprived women in developing countries. 👿 What a total arsehole. Plans to repeal ACA. Hell, let’s just play havoc with people’s health. Nasty piece of work personified.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Victoria!

      I’m somewhat familiar with Rachel Carson, and thank you for bringing her up. We need to showcase people of conscience and their work, which always risks to be pushed into obscurity by the powers-that-be, at every turn.

      But — oof — don’t get me started on the mental health professionals in this era of Trump. I have written some about it on this blog, but I surely have more to say. I am biting my tongue, out of a sense of propriety and decency, but — boy. The complicity of the professionals (and academic psychologists) in Trump’s rise to power almost rivals that of what we saw (or know of) during the Nazi and Soviet eras.

      Not ALL, to be sure — an important caveat; but too many not to leave a shameful stain on the profession and the entire field.

      I do write some about it here and here, as well as tangentially in other posts, and places (including some professional forums). As I mention above, I have more to say on this, but it will have to wait.


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